Marquee Mixtape with Alec Rodriguez
Marquee Mixtape


The rep series on Women & Horror in 2014 opens at IFC Center on Friday 3/29

If you’ve ever scoped out rep screenings in NYC then it’s very likely you’ve come across some that are “presented by The Future of Film is Female” at places like MoMA, Nitehawk Cinema, or Roxy Cinema. The FOFIF is an incredible non-profit org that supports women and non-binary filmmakers who are at any stage of their film productions, and the org’s laser focus is on exhibition and distribution. The founder, executive director, and programmer is Caryn Coleman. She spent nearly a decade at Nitehawk Cinema as their Director of Programming, contributing to the voice and cultural footprint found on their marquees. She’s also responsible for bringing NoBudge, Nitehawk Shorts Fest, and The Brooklyn Horror Film Festival to both Nitehawk locations. Her passion for uplifting women’s voices in cinema led to the creation of The Future of Film is Female in 2018. They’ve helped support over 50 projects and foster an amazing community for women and non-binary filmmakers.

The FOFIF also works to put women and non-binary directed films on NYC screens. I was introduced to Caryn’s work last year when I saw Michelle Garza Cervera’s Huesera at Nitehawk Cinema Prospect Park. A movie I was dying to see after hearing all the buzz about it on the festival circuits in 2022. I so badly wanted to watch and support this horror film from Mexico. So it was truly a wish come true to suddenly see a single screening of Huesera at my local Nitehawk Cinema and The FOFIF helped bring the director for a Q&A, too. Caryn opened the Q&A for the audience to participate and Michelle was super down to meet folks after we left the theater. The timing of this podcast recording was fortuitous because I had just picked up the new Blu-Ray release for the film and got to show it to Caryn during our chat. I saw Huesera at Nitehawk at a time when I was germinating the idea for this podcast. Getting this episode out really tied a bow on my discovery of The Future of Film is Female.

Stills from the films that will screen in the rep film series Shadows of Change: Women & Horror in 2014

Caryn also loves horror. We talk about her early years in Chicago and the cinephiles there that helped her fall madly in love with the nuances of the genre. She’s always held a reverence for the year 2014 because it was a landmark moment for women behind the camera and in front of it. She’s been eagerly waiting for the 10-year anniversary to program a retrospective for it and she’s partnered with IFC Center to do just that. This Friday, March 29 is the beginning of a one-week long series called, Shadows of Change: Women & Horror in 2014. Here’s what is on the marquee:

  • A Girl Walks Home Alone at Night

  • The Babadook

  • It Follows

  • Lyle

  • Honeymoon

  • The Guest

  • Inner Demon

  • Goodnight Mommy

Every screening has a live or pre-recorded introduction and there will be some filmmaker Q&As too. The FOFIF will also have zines available at the screenings.

The series runs at IFC Center from March 29 — April 4.

Get tickets HERE!

The second part of this podcast episode will drop in mid-April and I’ll be joined by a new guest to share our reactions to the rep film series Shadows of Change: Women & Horror in 2014.

Thanks for listening!

Marquee Mixtape with Alec Rodriguez
Marquee Mixtape
A podcast about repertory cinema in NYC featuring conversations with the experts and tastemakers who foster a unique community of film lovers. Hosted and produced by Alec Rodriguez.